Presenters and Honored Guests at the 2015 NMMS Foray

We were fortunate to have an amazing group of people attending the 2o15 Foray. Not only did we have Steve Trudell and Denis Benjamin as presenters, but also a number of folks who have served as past NMMS Foray Mycologists, who are the movers and shakers of their own local organizations, and who have energetically served the North American Mycological Association through the years.

Denis Benjamin
We were excited to have Denis Join us as a presenter and Foray participant. Denis was featured speaker at the 2o14 NAMA Foray, and below is his profile published for that event.
Denis grew up in South Africa, emigrating to the Pacific Northwest in 1970. He practiced pediatric pathology at the children's hospitals in Seattle and Fort Worth. He became an amateur mycologist soon after his arrival in the USA. He is a Research Associate at the Botanic Research Institute of Texas in Fort Worth. He was a consultant to the regional poison control center, a former member of the Board of Trustees of the Puget Sound Mycological Society and a past Chairman of the Toxicology Committee of the North American Mycological Association. He is a frequent speaker at mushrooms clubs and societies. Denis is author of Mushrooms: Poisons and Panaceas and published a collection of mushroom foraging essays, Musings of a Mushroom Hunter: A Natural History of Foraging. He is now in the process of becoming a watercolorist.
Carlene (Skeffington) Cliver

Carlene is the 2oo7 recipient of the NAMA President's Outstanding Service Award. To quote from the the award page on NAMA's website:

Carlene has served in numerous capacities for NAMA for over 20 years, including Treasurer, Regional Trustee, and Executive Committee. She has been a member of Dyeing & Paper Making Committee, Education Committee, Foray Committee, Mycophagy Committee and curator of NAMA's education programs including all slide and tape programs. She has always volunteered to help in every aspect of NAMA whether through leadership roles right down to cleaning mushrooms for the mycophagy sessions. Carlene's willingness to serve is truly the stuff which has made NAMA the successful organization that it is.
Jay Justice

Jay and his wife Marcia joined us following their participation at the Telluride Mushroom Festival.
• Among his many merits, Jay is co-founder and past-President of the Arkansas Mycological Society, and the 2o11 Recipient of NAMA's Award for Contributions to Amateur Mycology.
  Read Jay's Profiles on:
Telluride Mushroom Festival Presenters List
NAMA Speakers Bureau

Patricia & David Lewis

Pat & David Lewis have been the backbone of the Gulf States Mycological Society and have kept that organization vibrant and organized innumerable forays through the years. The Lewises are also long-time members of NMMS and have been active supporters of NAMA. That support has included organizing and hosting three NAMA Annual Forays.
• David is the 2oo9 Recipient of NAMA's Award for Contributions to Amateur Mycology.
Read more about David
Note: We lost Pat Lewis in 2o2o. She was a treasure and we miss her dearly.

Clark Ovrebo

Clark has been a steadfast supporter of NMMS, participating several times as a Foray Mycologist. Clark is a Professor of Biology and Curator of Fungi at the University of Central Oklahoma. The Gulf States Mycological Society enjoys his participation as their Scientific Advisor, and Clark's long-time commitment to NAMA includes his serving as Chief Mycologist for the at that organization's 2o13 Foray in Arkansas.
• You can learn a bit more about Clark on his UCO Webpage.

David Rust & Debbie Viess

David Rust is another recipient (2oo9) of the NAMA President's Outstanding Service Award. At the time of our 2o15 Foray, David was the President of NAMA. He and Debbie Viess are also co-founders of the Bay Area Mycological Society, based in Oakland, California.
  Debbie Viess is a popular presenter and a member of the NAMA Speakers Bureau. Read more about Debbie on the NAMA Website or about both David & Debbie on the BAMS Website

Steve Trudell

Steve has actively supported NMMS since its earliest days and participated as Foray Mycologist more times than most of us can remember. He has been a strong and active supporter of NAMA as well. Steve served as Chief Mycologist at last year's NAMA Foray, and was awarded with the Award for Contributions to Amateur Mycology. Steve was also received NAMA's Memorial Fellowship Award in 2ooo (in honor of Chuck Barrows).
Read More about Steve.

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