
Upcoming NMMS Meetings
The last 2 Regular NMMS meetings for 2o13 will occur in Albuquerque at the
* New Mexico Museum of Natural History
* 1801 Mountain Rd NW
* Meeting times are 7:oo - 9:oo PM.
Tuesday, October 1st
Tuesday, November 12th
* This will be NMMS' Annual Meeting at which members will elect officers for 2o14.
Note: The November Meeting occurs on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
December Holiday Potluck
  This year's Holiday Potluck will occur on December 8th, from 2:oo-6:oo PM.
Details and directions for the event will be available on the NMMS Member's Forum: .

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Taylor Lockwood Calendars
  NMMS has a good supply of 2o14 Taylor Lockwood Calendars which will be available for sale at the upcoming meetings. Members can pick them up for $12 per.

Treasurer Needed
  At the Santa Fe Meeting earlier this month, Treasurer Terri Wallis informed the attending members that she will not continue in that office next year. Terri asked for a volunteer to tackle the office of Treasurer for 2o14. Terri is hoping that someone will step up soon so that she will have time to provide transitional training prior before year's end.
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dmw . 2o13-o9-29